Setting up your account

To book on any courses you need to access the The Hub, you will need to an account for each member of staff without an account, staff will not be able to book or attend courses.

Setting up Users (Creating Accounts)

  • Use the template below, this information will be used to create the user accounts, you only need to this once: CSV template LSCDG v8
  • After completing the template please email to
  • When you complete the template it is necessary that you have identified the name of one individual who has the authority to approve staff training. This could be the manager or training co-ordinator or even a supervisor but the key to this is we require an individual email for this person, as all correspondence will be communicated by this method.
  • Once your account has been set up you will be notified of the username.

Please note LSCDG will endeavour to create the accounts as soon as possible and this may take time.

During each calendar month from the 1st day to the 19th day LSCDG will create accounts manually after this date a bulk file will be sent to Learning Pool for a bulk upload this will take 5 days.

If you need your accounts creating quicker please email your template between the 1st and 19th day of each month.

Training Courses

Moving & Handling Train the Trainer (Classroom Based)

Duration: 3 Days

2023 Dates:

September 26th 27th 28th

October 18th 19th 20th

November 7th 8th 9th

December 4th 5th 6th

Audience: Managers, supervisors or other staff members in the independent and voluntary sector establishments who have experience of moving and handling of people. Delegates should also have responsibility for delivering training or the ability and capacity to deliver training. Therefore, this course is appropriate for senior staff and managers, those who have the ability to implement the training and knowledge gained.

Delegates will be expected to attend the Moving and Handling Update course every 18 to 36months.

Cost: Fully funded for eligible establishments, if you are not eligible for a free place there is a charge of £350.00 per delegate. There is a non-attendance charge of £100.00 per day for non-attendance.

This training enables delegates to train their co-workers in their own workplace.

In order to access the course the delegate should log in to their own Learning Hub account using the manual log in option and your login details username and password welcome1.

Moving & Handling Train the Trainer Update (Classroom Based)

Duration: One day

2023 Dates:

August 30th

September 4th

October 23rd

November 28th

December 19th

Target Group: People who have completed the Moving and Handling Train the Trainer course and require their annual update.

Cost: Fully funded

Aims and objectives: This course is an update for those who have completed the Train the Trainer course and looks at all aspects of the safe moving and handling of people including equipment and risk assessments.

Safeguarding Training The Trainer (Classroom Based)

Duration: 2 days

2023 Dates:

November 1st 2nd TBC

December 11th 12th

2024 Dates:

January 22nd 23rd

Target Group: Managers, supervisors or other staff members in registered and non-registered settings with a responsibility of delivering training, or with the ability and capacity to begin delivering training.

Cost: Fully funded

Making An Alert to The Local Authority (Live Webinar)

Duration: 3 hours

2023 Dates:

September 12th

November 13th

2024 Dates:

January 18th

Target Group: Managers, supervisors or senior staff in registered and non-registered settings with a responsibility for reporting Adult Safeguarding concerns and making an 'Alert' to the Local Authority.

Cost: Fully funded

CQC Best Practice Workshop (Live Webinar)

Duration: 3 hours

2023 Dates:

September 7th

November 8th

2024 Dates:

January 16th

Target Group: Managers.

Cost: Fully funded

Aims: Overview of Regulations & CQC Inspections, share best practice and resources.

Care Certificate Assessor Workshop (Live Webinar)

Duration: 3 hours

2023 Dates:

October 25th

2024 Dates:

February 1st

Target Group: Proprietors, Managers and staff who will assess and support employees with completion of the Care Certificate

Cost: Fully funded


• Understand the origins and purpose of the Care Certificate

• Use the Skills for Care materials to support staff through the completion of the Care Certificate

• Record assessments and progress effectively using the materials provided

Well- Led (Classroom Based)

Duration: 4 Days

Target Group: Registered managers and other managers currently working in adult social care services.

Cost: Fully funded

Claim back £500 through the workforce development fund

The programme is delivered through four interactive modules covering the objectives below:

■ develop a clear understanding of what well-led looks like in a care setting

■ develop a clear understanding of how leadership strategies and techniques can be used to transform services and improve the quality of care

■ develop the confidence and skills necessary to lead services in an increasingly complex and challenging context

■ develop clear goals and commitment to improve your personal leadership effectiveness

■ learn from the experience of others by working with them in a range of collaborative learning activities and networking opportunities.

To Access this course your establishment must have created an Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) account prior to booking on the course.

At this stage you only need to register your service. PLEASE COMPLETE THE TRAINING AGREEMENT DOCUMENT ATTACHED.

Lead To Succeed (Classroom Based)

Audience: Aspiring managers and deputies in adult social care services

Duration: 5 Days

Cost: Fully Funded

Claim back £500 through the workforce development fund

The programme is delivered through five interactive modules covering the objectives below:

■ Successful behaviours for leaders and managers.

■ Developing a positive culture.

■ Effective supervision.

■ Leading and managing the process of change.

■ Leading and managing the inspection process.

To Access this course your establishment must have created an Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) account prior to booking on this course.

At this stage you only need to register your service. PLEASE COMPLETE THE TRAINING AGREEMENT DOCUMENT ATTACHED.

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Company: Direct Payment Recipient - AE94094 Location: Birstall & Anstey
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Company: Direct payment recipient. Ref TS354920 Location: Market Harborough
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